Thursday, August 02, 2007

"Bad Teacher I Hate you"- my last text message

I made a few videos at school today. I purposefully tried to plant the camera in the corner of the room so the kids didn't know it was on, otherwise they go nuts. However, this discreetness led to a number of closeup crotch shots of myself, and I apologize for that. The first video is of a class of 10 girls, all about age 8. They speak very little English and you can see they get frustrated at times and you can also see they pay absolutely no attention to me unless I'm standing right over them. This is one of those classes that if I had it when I first started teaching, I would have ran out of the room and started crying. Even watching the video now, afterwards I need to take a nap. The other two videos are just singing. A lot. I sound like I'm drunk in them because I sing way too loud and off-key. Like I've said before, I enjoy singing more than the kids.

I'm still pretty sick. I've coughed up enough phlegm in the last month to drown a small child. I still refuse to go to the doctor because even though it will only cost me 3 bucks, the doctor will look at me, probably prescribe the wrong medication and then I'll end up dying. Sorry, Michael Moore.

I have to work this Saturday because you can't just get vacation days in Korea. Kids must be learning English at all time. I'm supposed to meet the beat married chick at Woodstock on Friday night. I'm not sure why I agreed to this. Last weekend, her husband left and she kept touching me again, which was gross, and then later, even though she doesn't speak english well, she said something like "So we are just friends?" I wanted to say Yeah, I'd rather my manhood remain outside my body instead of shriveling up and dying inside my stomach. But I might meet her anyway, solely for entertainment purposes.

Since all of my poker income has dried up (Thanks, Bill Frist), I've been trying to think of other easy ways to make a lot of money sitting on my ass. Surprisingly, this isn't that easy. I did some research on currency trading, it seemed easy enough, I would just bet against the U.S. dollar since it's been in a freefall. So I signed up for an account but I didn't deposit anything, figured I'd try it out first with a free account. They gave me 50 G to work with. I lost 35 G in about three days. In light of this, I've decided it might be a bad idea to deposit money. If anyone knows of another easy way to make money while I watch movies and sleep, let me know (I already teach English in Korea).

I watched a lot of Dane Cook at work today. As much I watched it, though, I just kept trying to figure out what parts were supposed to be funny. I tried really hard to find the appeal because apparently college kids love him and I like to think I'm not THAT old yet. But man, for the most part, the guy just runs around the stage like an idiot, makes a few mediocre obvious jokes and then the crowd starts having seizures. I've been to few parties in America where everyone's been drunk and someone will be like "Hey! guys lets watch this Dane Cook DVD. It's hilarious, man!" And I laugh because I want to fit in and be cool, but wow, Dane Cook may be the least funny guy in America. It's similar to my feelings on Entourage. What came first? Did people watch it and actually say "Shit, this is a good show" or did it become so damn trendy to watch that once people did catch it, they were forced to like it or risk having to sit in the corner crying with no friends. Actually I shouldn't bash Entourage right now, since last Sunday's episode admittedly was hilarious, but you get my point. Shut up.


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