Monday, March 05, 2007

Titles Take Too Much Effort

Mixed response I guess on the video blog thing. It does seem like a cool concept, but I do understand that people generally only want to check my blog at work when there's absolutely nothing else to do. So I'm gonna mix it up. Video sometimes, archaic written posts sometimes.

I'm writing this from a PC room in Gangnam while I wait for Bender to turn up. He's out with a terrible Korean girl. I met a Korean guy who's studying law in China at Woodstock on Wednesday night and then I saw him again last night. So I sat with him and this girl, who apparently dated a former white teacher at my school. I didn't tell her this, but I have met this guy before and he's kind of a tool. I also heard that he hooked up with a dude. Which might make him gay. Anyway, the guy left Woodstock after a while, leaving me to discuss my feelings with the girl. Seriously, she was going on and on about how she really missed her old white boyfriend and how they had planned to get married. It was god awful. And then she would ask me if I ever felt like that. The only thing that I felt at the time was an overwhelming desire to smash my beer glass over her head. I couldn't tell if it was awful because she is Korean or because she is a girl. No offense, girls, but you talk about a whole lot of boring shit that guys have no desire to listen to. So the next time you're with a guy and you're thinking, oh maybe i should tell him about -insert anything that involves feelings, ex-boyfriends, clothes etc.- please make sure the guy is either sleeping or in a coma first. After all that, I'm supposed to call this girl tomorrow so we can meet up and she can buy me some kind of gross Korean pizza with squid and onions on it. I will likely be a dick and send her a text message informing her that I can't make it. (Update- I did blow her off, choosing instead to go out to dinner with Bender. Say what you will about that decision. The girl responded with this text "That's OK. Don't care about it. We have lots of time....Have fun."

Speaking of strange Koreans, this guy Wilson, the guy who promised me the world a few months ago in the form of free plane tickets and other goodies, is back on the radar. At first I thought he just took me for a ride, since I did lay out $25 the first night I hung out with him, because he hadn't received his $10,000 a month allowance from his parents yet. But then I never heard from him again, leading me to send an uncalled text message stating "You owe me money. I will kill you." So when he finally did call me a few weeks later, that was awkward, with me having to reassure him that I did not actually have intentions to kill him. He called me last week, said he was going to New Zealand. First he gave me some girl's phone number, who he said "likes white guys." He called back two minutes later to see if I had called the girl yet. Then he asked me if I wanted him to bring me back a "pre
sent, like a necklace or sweater." I swear if this guy wasn't always talking about girls and giving me random phone numbers I'm never going to dial, he'd be the Korean Clay Aiken. I declined his offer for a gift after explaining to him that I thought it would be a little weird, since I've seen the guy twice in my life. He called again today while I was in the cab on the way to work, but I didn't pick up. The guy chews through my prepaid phone minutes. Even when I explained how a prepaid phone works, he started rambling about how he could get me a new phone with 100 hours a month on it. Even if he was serious, I would never go for that because that'd basically mean I'd have no excuse to not spend 100 hours on the phone with him. Eh, he'll probably be my best friend when Bender leaves.

The new semester started Friday. I'm teaching 31 classes a week now, which means I'll get an extra $80 a mo
nth in overtime. It's pretty brutal though teaching 7 classes a day, by the 5th class in a row, the kids just aren't getting me at my best and really, my best is still pretty terrible. I spent every class on Friday going over new rules for the semester. I figure if I can just eliminate the yelling and screaming in some of my classes, I won't drop dead before June. Basically if the kids speak korean, don't do their homework, get out of their seat, talk when they don't have the reading ball, or just generally annoy me, they have to write 100x that they will never do that thing again. They will, of course, do that thing again, but at least by making them write during class, it forces them to shutup for a little while.

Went to a club on Saturday night where a Korean guy knocked a drink out of my hand on purpose. I was a bit drunk at the time, but it was still pretty shocking. I don't remember what he was saying to me beforehand, but there was my drink all over the floor. I just sat there thinking about how I would have fought him if it weren't for the whole you go to jail for 10 years if you throw a punch, but a few minutes later, I saw the same guy jawing with a British guy. At that point, I helped the British guy convince an employee to boot the guy. The amazing thing about it is that at this club, there's never a lot of people, but the number of white guys always far outnumbers Korean guys. I guess this guy just wanted to screw with white people for no reason. Maybe he caught a glimpse of a white guy at the urinal and he felt the need to pick a fight to make up for his, um, lack of manhood.

(Photos- All from around Gangnam)


Blogger wanni said...

Hey!Got to your blog thru your Youtube vlog. I loved reading through your archives, it makes me wanna go to Korea too, never mind the germs.

Have a nice day!

11:29 PM  

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