Friday, January 05, 2007

I went to Itaewon this week to get my eyes checked out. They've been all red and itchy for months now so I finally gave in and went to see Dr. Wang. Waste of time though. The douchebag didn't even look at my eyes. He just gave me a prescription for eye drops to use. Pretty much the same drops I used before I came to Korea, and they didn't work. The one good thing from the 45 minute subway ride there was I convinced him to give me some more xanax, which means I can travel some more without wetting myself on the plane. I think I'll go to a real eye doctor next week. With my health insurance, that should cost about 50 cents. I might just go to every doctor in this country before I go home and get every part of my body checked out. I don't plan on getting my dad's personal favorite though: the colonoscopy.

As I was walking back to the subway from the doctor's office, a couple of Korean girls ambushed me. They said they were university students and they just needed five minutes of my time. Since I was then on pace to get to work an hour early, I let them abuse me for a few minutes. I thought it was just going to be some survey or something, but instead, they were religious freaks and not from some normal church. One girl kept reading me verses from the Bible and she would ask me over and over"Gotta Mother?" I think she was trying to tell me that there were two Gods, a male one and a female one. I just agreed with everything she said, failing to mention I haven't been in a church in about five years. About 15 minutes, I lied and said I was late to work. I think they were going to come to work with me if it was close by, but thankfully, they gave me just enough room to escape from the alley they had cornered me in.

I'm on the early morning work schedule now, so that's been kind of rough. When I had to work at 2, I was getting a solid 9 hours of sleep a night. Now it's closer to 4 or 5. The kids are suffering because of this, as I am not nearly as nice in class when all I want to be doing is sleeping. A kid forgot to bring his book to class yesterday so I made him write 100 times "I will bring my book to class." Whatever, I have that kind of power. They shall obey.

You know how you always see people selling stuff on subways anywhere you go? And nobody every buys stuff cause it's all crap. Well, Koreans love crap. They buy everything. Usually the douche selling stuff with walk up and down the subway car yelling things for a few minutes and no one will move. He always starts the price at around 4,000 won ($4) no matter what he is selling. Then after five minutes of everyone ignoring him, he drops the price to 1,000 won and every damn Korean on the subway buys whatever it is. It could be a bag of dog shit, they would buy it for 1,000 won. They were selling a lot of crap in China too, but I almost bought their stuff. A few people had these blinking light wheels that you attach to your sneakers, essentially making your sneakers into roller blades. I definitely should have bought them. They were probably 3 bucks. Bender wouldn't let me though. He ruins everything.

I feel the need to take something back from a recent post, the one in which I said if you combine the looks of Shanghai with the friendliness of Koreans, you'd have the perfect country. While yes, most Koreans are friendly and they will go out of their way to help you out, the fact is Korea is about anti-foreign as it comes when you're talking about countries. It's just a certain feel you get walking around the streets. I read in the paper the other day about a new group in Seoul, whose only mission is to rid Korea of all forgeiners or what they call "low-grade Westerners". It's such a huge contradiction. The collective self-esteem of Korea is the same as that of a 14-year-old boy with a face covered in pimples and hair growing out of his ears. They try so hard to shed their own image, to become white in any way possible, whether it be by hanging out in Western bars or only listening to Justin Timberlake. And then at the same time, you have this anti-white attitude that pervades the country. This whole "We, the Koreans, are the superior race" type deal. Sure, I know it's the same in Europe where they suck up American culture but yet despise our country. But it's the different here because Koreans don't just want to listen to American music and watch English movies, they want to actually be white. Someone please explain to me how any of that makes sense.

I hit the three-month mark in Korea this weekend. The next two months are going to be brutal, only because cold weather kills my desire to do anything whatsoever. I enjoy walking around the city and exploring new places, but that's just not going to happen until spring. Until then, I'm going to drink soju on street corners, wander into the nearest bar, and offend Korean girls.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm I am sorry to be the one to inform you but Koreans ARE the superior race. Idiot.

12:00 AM  

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